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Family Math Night

Family Math Night

On March 29, students and their parents attended “Family Math Night” at WSD. The event was a collaboration of Weilenmann School of Discovery teachers and staff with MIND Research Institute — the creators of ST Math — and was the…

The Periodic Table: No Piece of Cake

It’s finally been done. Sixth grader Devin Dalby amazed his peers and teachers as he recited — through song — the entire Periodic Table of Elements from memory! Middle School science teachers, Megan Hurster and Maria Lee, issued a challenge…

The Kindness Challenge

The Kindness Challenge

Lower School Director, Melissa Shunn-Mitchell, used the Lower School assembly on January 6 to promote a “Kindness Challenge” to students. “Our PE teacher, Amy Newman, was the one who shared the idea with me,” explains Ms. Shunn-Mitchell. “She had given…

Electromagnets Are Super!

Electromagnets Are Super!

At WSD, we believe the nature and process of developing scientific knowledge is based on actually doing science in the classroom. This past term, 7th grade was deep into its unit of Physics, studying invisible forces by building their own…

WSD’s Rough Riders

WSD’s Rough Riders

WSD’s Middle School Mountain Biking team finished up a very successful season. This year we competed in three major racing events and saw our team increase to 24 riders! Our first race took place on a warm, dusty morning in…

Small Acts of Kindness Day

Small Acts of Kindness Day

Wednesday, October 12, was declared “Small Acts of Kindness Day” at WSD. Conceived and organized by the Middle School Hope Squad, it was the first of many–we hope–similar events to come. Students in all grades accepted the invitation to “complete…

Where Will Your Mark Take You?

Where Will Your Mark Take You?

Lower School Art teacher, Mariah King, begins the school year by reading her favorite picture book aloud to each class of students.  The name of the book is The Dot, by author/illustrator Peter H. Reynolds, and it explores, in its…

Beyond Measure – Schools at the Heart of Change

Beyond Measure – Schools at the Heart of Change

Every day we hear stories about America’s troubled education system.  And we’re told that in order to fix what’s broken, we need to narrow our curricula, standardize our classrooms, and find new ways to measure students and teachers. But what…

Embracing a Growth Mindset

Embracing a Growth Mindset

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” ~ Frederick Douglass As students in fifth grade explore this year’s school theme*, they are learning the difference between a “growth mindset” and a “fixed mindset.” According to Carol Dweck, a…