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WSD’s committee framework allows many tasks previously assigned to administration to be delegated to teacher leaders. It also fosters deeper collaboration and collegiality among staff, who are invited to share their ideas and expertise with those who trust and respect their contributions. Administrative committees meet regularly and focus on serving the needs of the student as guided by the vision and mission of the school.

Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI) Committee

Purpose:  To monitor the use of emergency safety interventions.

Michele Jacobs, Chair
Roni Ottley
Elizabeth Phillips
Scott Stewart

Green Team

Purpose: To manage WSD’s sustainability efforts and explore new ways to operate in a more efficient, innovative and healthy way.

Kathleen Fisher
Jason Glidden
Toni Hansen
Heather Mariani

Makerspace Committee

Purpose: To manage the accessibility of equipment, tools, and space in the Maker Space, and to foster collaboration within the school as well as the wider community.

Roni Ottley, Chair
Nathan Florence
Toni Hansen
Karla Willis

Mindfulness Committee

Purpose: To spread Mindfulness education through the school

Elizabeth Phillips
Michael Odle
Amelia LePrey

Outdoor Education Committee

Purpose: To strengthen the outdoor program at WSD through sharing resources, planning events, and creating curriculum.

Cam Raguse, Chair
Roni Ottley
Elizabeth Phillips

Positive Behavior Strategies Committee (PBS)

Purpose: To establish and maintain school-wide Positive Behavior Supports

Elizabeth Phillips
Michele Jacobs
Scott Stewart
Roni Ottley
Amelia LePrey
Alethea Mallia

Professional Development Committee

Purpose: To propose, review and/or approve professional development opportunities for WSD staff

Toni Hansen, Chair
Michael Odle
Scott Stewart
Christie Vanderhoof

Safety Committee

Purpose: To maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for our community by providing resources, guidance and tools on a range of topics related to school safety including; Bullying and Cyberbullying, School Climate, Emergency Planning, Cybersecurity, Threat Assessment and Reporting, Mental Health, Infectious Diseases and Public Health, Child Exploitation, and Targeted Violence.

Peter Leeman, Chair
Cindy Phillips, Co-Chair
Mark Maziarz, Board Member
Jason Lindsay
Jo Duff
Elizabeth Phillips

Service Committee

Purpose: To identify areas that would benefit from positive change and organize efforts to fill those needs.

Michael Odle, Chair
Holly Wilkens
Michelle Smietana
Larali Miller
Elizabeth Phillips
Victoria Cook

Theme Committee

Purpose: To discuss and select a school theme for the coming school year

Jeff Cohen, Chair
Susannah Barnes
Michelle Smietana
Shelley Turner
Jessica Hunsaker

Writing Group

Purpose: To practice writing, receive feedback from colleagues, build confidence and skill in teaching writing to students

Mandy Kail, Chair
Kerri Miller
Scott Stewart
David Gilman-Frederick