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2020 Executive Director Transition Committee

Dear Families, The WSD Board of Directors has asked me to serve as Chair of the Executive Director Transition Committee. In that role, I have gathered administrators, consultants, current and former board members, parents, teachers, and experienced leaders from other…

Cindy Phillips

2020 Executive Director Transition

Dear WSD Families, In January of 2017, after serving for five years as WSD’s Executive Director, I was invited by the WSD Board of Directors to extend my role for three more years. I accepted, and the Board voted unanimously…

A Kids’ Heart Challenge

A Kids’ Heart Challenge

During the month of March, Lower School students participated in a Kid’s Heart Challenge. They learned all about their hearts and personal health, then identified heart-healthy choices they could commit to all month long. Students had fun exploring ways to…

Clean and Green: Sustainability at WSD

Clean and Green: Sustainability at WSD

Weilenmann School of Discovery is proud to be the first school in Park City to be recognized for sustainable practices and initiatives. This year the Utah Society for Environmental Education (USEE) registered WSD as a Utah Green School, and Recycle…

Up Close and Personal: Differentiated Learning

Up Close and Personal: Differentiated Learning

Whenever great teaching and learning occurs in the classroom, two conditions are present. First, students are active participants in their own learning. Their experience supports social interaction, and the process they are engaged in is meaningful to them, allowing them…

A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

What does it mean to be a discoverer? What makes a discoverer relevant today? These are questions posed to Middle School art students as they embarked on an Arts in Action Discovery project. Students were asked to first think about…

Journeys of Discovery

Journeys of Discovery

During the fall of each school year, Middle School students venture off campus for two days to explore various sites around the state. These “Discovery Days” allow students to thoroughly immerse themselves in new environments and unique experiences, and are…


2018-19 School Theme

“Learning Never Exhausts the Mind.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was a genius, but not a typical genius. As opposed to the single, focused achievement of a typical “genius,” da Vinci displayed exceptional creativity, intellect, originality, and achievement…

“Let’s Be Resilient Today!”

“Let’s Be Resilient Today!”

There are countless moments in our lives that not only reveal our character but help to build it. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 captured those moments in a writing assignment that integrated character education, language arts, and PE.…