Weilenmann School of Discovery is a tuition-free K-8 Utah public charter school located in Park City, Utah. WSD currently draws students from Summit, Wasatch and Salt Lake counties, and welcomes all students within the state of Utah.
We offer an innovative and expansive program, taught by effective teachers and guided by the most successful proven practices in education.
Our students thrive in a close-knit and caring school community, and benefit from a Liberal Arts curriculum that integrates visual and performing arts, outdoor education, foreign language, PE, and digital literacy into the core curriculum.
Our program builds competency in the core academic areas of Math, Science, English Language Arts, and Social Studies, and provides project-based learning experiences and technology-enhanced learning supports.
Our Mission and Vision
The Weilenmann School of Discovery is dedicated to helping students discover the power of their own potential — to learn, to innovate, and to change the world. We promote engaged, authentic, and effective learning that prepares students to excel in the 21st century by:
- Providing a Liberal Arts education that integrates art, music, science, PE, media, and technology into the core curriculum
- Hiring and developing Effective Teachers
- Delivering instruction to meet individual needs
- Promoting project-based learning with real world applications
- Utilizing nature and the outdoors to inspire and enrich the educational experience
Our Programs
Discovery PreSchool
The Discovery PreSchool program is a safe, welcoming, and responsive environment for young children. During the school year, they will develop in multiple ways, engage in rich learning opportunities, and experience what it means to be a valued part of a classroom community.
PreSchool is a full day experience. Classes are held at the Weilenmann School of Discovery and follow its academic school calendar. Children receive instruction in Bridges math and Zoophonics language instruction, as well as other supplemental programs. They benefit from lots of play-based learning experiences and feel free to explore and learn in settings that are flexible, involve large and small group activities, and feel secure and comfortable.
PreSchool Threes Program
In PreSchool Threes, students enjoy lots of playtime inside and outside, a focus on large and fine motor skills and development, rest time, nursery rhymes, hands on activities, circle time, and Preschool readiness! Once a week, they are visited by specialist teachers who engage them in Art, PE, Music, and Library activities. Students must be age 3 by September 1, and be completely bathroom trained.
PreSchool Fours Program
PreSchool Fours students enjoy hands-on science, crafts, games, free and structured play, movement, rest time, and story time. They enjoy daily outdoor learning, engagement, and active and cooperative play. Our unique school setting allows them to hike or snowshoe weekly on a variety of trails. They also love their time in Art, PE, Music, and Library, which are weekly activities taught by specialist teachers from WSD. Students must be age 4 by September 1, and be completely bathroom trained.
Discovery PreSchool is a tuition-based program.
PreSchool Threes
Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year has three options:
- 2-day program: $275/month (billed September – May)
- 3-day program: $400/month (billed September – May)
- 5-day program: $625/month (billed September – May)
PreSchool Fours
Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year has one option:
- 5-day program: $600/month (billed September – May)
Enroll Now
Parents must submit the PreSchool Intent to Enroll application to be considered for the 2025-26 school year.
Lower School
Lower School at WSD comprises Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. During these years, students build upon foundational skills, collaborate with classmates, and become independent learners. They are taught Language Arts and Literacy, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies from the classroom teacher, and attend classes in Art, Music, PE, and Library, taught by specialist teachers. The school day also includes time for digital literacy, character education, mindfulness, makerspace activities, outdoor and environmental education.
Students in Lower School benefit from differentiated instruction, small and flex groups, project- and discovery-based learning, tiered learning assistance, and a comprehensive Special Education program. They also have opportunities for service and leadership, and enjoy field trips, class parties, author visits, special days, assemblies, and a variety of after school program offerings.
Middle School
Middle School at WSD comprises grades Six through Eight. Students build on and extend the skills taught in Lower School, with expanding opportunities to learn, explore, and discover in both the indoor and outdoor classrooms. They continue to learn authentically through discovery- and project-based learning, and graduate with the well-earned confidence to excel in the world beyond WSD.
Middle School core requirements include English, History, Science, Math and PE. In addition, WSD adds Art, Music, and Latin to the core courses. Students may choose from Chorus, Band, or Orchestra to fulfill their Music requirement, and may select from a large number of Enrichment classes, which meet weekly and change each term. Independent courses in Math and English are offered to students who excel in those subjects.
Students in Middle School enjoy an off-campus Adventure PE program that utilizes local venues; have opportunities to go on off-campus excursions in our mobile classroom van, “Moby”; and engage in a variety of makerspace projects. They also participate in Student Government, National Junior Honor Society, dances and activities, peer tutoring, and a variety of organized clubs. In the fall, each grade level ventures off campus for two days to explore various sites around the state. Eighth graders enjoy an overnighter to the Utah Shakespeare Festival, plus a service day, a day at Lagoon, and a capstone excursion to Moab.
Annual Report
The Annual Report is jointly produced by the Board of Trustees and Administration. It contains detailed explanations regarding academic performance (based on the most recent data available), school finances for the fiscal year, adherence to school mission, and achievement of goals. Please find below links to current and past Annual Reports.
Strategic Plan
The WSD Strategic Plan for School Improvement is a living document that is continually updated by decisions and directives of the Board of Directors and refined through the recommendations of stakeholders. The Plan informs parents as stakeholders of the current direction of the school and its present short and long-term goals. The Board’s Annual Strategic Planning Meeting in January is dedicated to reviewing existing goals, adding interim objectives and long-term goals, and removing specific objectives or goals already accomplished.
In its effort to improve the safety of its students in the event of any emergency, the WSD Administration will consistently communicate aspects of WSD’s Emergency Safety Plan and Procedures to parents and families of the WSD community.
While the Student/Parent Reunification Plan is only one aspect of WSD’s Emergency Plan, parents’ understanding and execution of this plan are necessary for the proper and safe reunification of parents with students, since during an emergency or disaster, the traditional student release procedure may be unsafe and not operable.
A wide variety of emergency situations may require a student/parent reunification plan. Such a plan may be needed if the school is evacuated or closed as a result of an internal hazardous materials accident, fire, natural gas leak, flooding, earthquake, school violence, bomb threat, terrorist attack, or other local hazard or natural disaster. In the case of a weather emergency, wherein the building is safe to occupy, or an external hazardous material spill, wherein it is not safe to leave the building, students will be held at the school until parent pick-up procedures can be accomplished safely.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with WSD’s Student/Parent Reunification Plan. We would like parents to anticipate the implementation of this plan as they complete registration forms and emergency contact information for the coming school year.
Safety Resources