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“Let’s Be Resilient Today!”

“Let’s Be Resilient Today!”

There are countless moments in our lives that not only reveal our character but help to build it. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 captured those moments in a writing assignment that integrated character education, language arts, and PE…

Family Night Science Convention

Family Night Science Convention

Lower School students and their parents enjoyed a first ever “Family Night Science Convention” on February 7. Designed by science teacher, Roni Ottley, the purpose of the evening was to “fuel kids’ natural passion for science, and to connect science…

Fun and Games

Fun and Games

Lower School PE teacher, Kathy Simis, embarked on an exciting project with her 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes. Utilizing existing equipment, students were challenged to create new PE games that promoted both fun and fitness, and then teach them…

Creature Comforts

Creature Comforts

Third grade science students have embarked on a month-long Living Things project. The goal of the project is to provide friendly habitats that sustain life for small creatures and/or plants for 30 days. There are two main parameters for the…

What’s New for 2017-18?

What’s New for 2017-18?

The 2017-18 school year will roll out a new school-wide character education program called “The Wapiti Way.” Among the various components we are putting in place to support this new initiative is a digital program from Wonder Media that allows…

Family Math Night

Family Math Night

On March 29, students and their parents attended “Family Math Night” at WSD. The event was a collaboration of Weilenmann School of Discovery teachers and staff with MIND Research Institute — the creators of ST Math — and was the…

The Kindness Challenge

The Kindness Challenge

Lower School Director, Melissa Shunn-Mitchell, used the Lower School assembly on January 6 to promote a “Kindness Challenge” to students. “Our PE teacher, Amy Newman, was the one who shared the idea with me,” explains Ms. Shunn-Mitchell. “She had given…