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A Living Museum

A Living Museum

This week, fourth grade students presented a ”living museum” that celebrated Utah’s pioneer immigrants. A culmination of several months’ study and preparation, the exhibition invited parents and classmates to learn about the people that helped form our Utah heritage. Each…

Spring Showcases!

Spring Showcases!

One of the highlights of the year for Lower School music students is inviting their parents to attend a Spring Showcase. Recently, General Music sections in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades and grade level chorus and instrumental ensembles in 4th…

Fantastic Beasts

Fantastic Beasts

Good luck finding a seven year-old who isn’t fascinated by animals! So imagine the excitement WSD second graders brought to their Endangered Species project as they learned about some of the world’s rarest – and most intriguing – animals. Second…

A Leadership Challenge

A Leadership Challenge

Ten fifth graders from Weilenmann School of Discovery participated in the Leadership Challenge for Elementary Schools at the Stephen R. Covey Leadership Center and the Huntsman School of Business on the Utah State University (USU) campus in Logan, Utah on…

Family Night In The Makerspace

Family Night In The Makerspace

Fourth grade students and their families enjoyed a night of creativity and fun at our first “Family Makerspace Night” on April 4. Directed by fourth grade teacher, Leah Morisi, the workshop allowed families to experiment and design together with 3D…

Here Be Dragons

Here Be Dragons

“We tell stories,” begins author Christian McKay Heidicker, “to entertain each other, to distract ourselves, and because we enjoy them. But I’m convinced that the best stories dig deeper – they teach us how to live in the world and…

Imagine Wagons

Imagine Wagons

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a tool kids could use that allowed them to draw whatever they could imagine? Welcome to the 21st century and 3D pens! A 3D pen extrudes heated plastic from the nozzle and allows…

First Graders Count!

First Graders Count!

One of the First Grade math standards asks students to count to 120 and be able to read and write numerals up to 120. To celebrate all they are learning toward that goal, students engaged in a full day of…

May The Force Be With You

May The Force Be With You

Third graders are designing, constructing, and testing homemade rocket launchers as a way to better understand the basic physics of force and motion. By actively engaging in the project, the science concepts become easy for them to understand and apply.…

Saving Avalanche Town

Saving Avalanche Town

Having such close proximity to the Wasatch Range makes outdoor adventuring almost a given in Northern Utah – especially during the winter ski season. But these picturesque, snow capped mountains can also turn dangerous, especially when the “greatest snow on…