First graders at WSD are “traveling” the globe to learn about how students from other…
You can find out everything you want to know about wild animals from our second grade students. For the past several weeks, each student in the grade has researched a chosen animal, with the goal to be that animal’s resident expert. The results of student efforts will be presented at their Exhibition for parents later this spring.
In the first phase of the project, students gathered information, facts and photos, which they have been using to write stories about their animal, and to create fascinating PowerPoint presentations. In math, students have calculated how far their animal travels in a typical week, month, year and lifetime on a mileage graph that will surprise you. On a political map of the world, students will pinpoint which country or countries are home to their wild animal. And in art, students are making clay animal masks to complement their research. These will be kiln-fired and ready for display at the Exhibition event. As if this weren’t enough fun, the final step will be to film a video documentary of all the wild animals studied, to be viewed by students and their parents.