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Small Acts of Kindness Day

Small Acts of Kindness Day

Wednesday, October 12, was declared “Small Acts of Kindness Day” at WSD. Conceived and organized by the Middle School Hope Squad, it was the first of many–we hope–similar events to come. Students in all grades accepted the invitation to “complete…

Where Will Your Mark Take You?

Where Will Your Mark Take You?

Lower School Art teacher, Mariah King, begins the school year by reading her favorite picture book aloud to each class of students.  The name of the book is The Dot, by author/illustrator Peter H. Reynolds, and it explores, in its…

Good Vibrations: Our Close Knit Community

Good Vibrations: Our Close Knit Community

Prospective families and faculty who tour Weilenmann School of Discovery often remark on feeling a good “vibe” as they walk through our hallways and visit our classes in session. In fact, the positive energy and friendly feeling of WSD are…

It’s a Wild World in Second Grade

It’s a Wild World in Second Grade

You can find out everything you want to know about wild animals from our second grade students.  For the past several weeks, each student in the grade has researched a chosen animal, with the goal to be that animal’s resident…

Engaging Education: Project-Based Learning

Engaging Education: Project-Based Learning

One way to powerfully activate a student’s engagement is through project-based learning. Students in all grades at WSD participate in regular curricular and cross-curricular projects as a meaningful way to gain and apply deeper knowledge. The goal of project-based learning…

Full Day Kindergarten for 2016 – 2017

Full Day Kindergarten for 2016 – 2017

Weilenmann School of Discovery is pleased to announce that beginning school year 2016 – 2017, WSD will offer three sections of Full Day Kindergarten at no additional cost to parents. The full day Kindergarten program is now in its sixth year at WSD…

Enriching Education: Going Beyond the Core

Enriching Education: Going Beyond the Core

One of the things that makes Weilenmann School of Discovery unique in public education is the integration of specialty courses into the core curriculum. For Lower School, this means that Art, Music, PE, Outdoor and Science are not occasional experiences,…