First graders at WSD are “traveling” the globe to learn about how students from other…
What does it mean when students and staff dress retro, wear their hair in wacky ways, and transfer the contents of their backpacks to a baby stroller or wheelbarrow? It means another Spirit Week at WSD! This year’s event included a Jersey/PJ Day, Twin Day, Crazy Hair Day, Decades Day, and Anything-But-A-Backpack Day and included students and staff from PreK to 8th grade.
Spirit Week at WSD happens at just the right time, explains Karla Willis, Middle School Student Government Advisor. Students are between school breaks, starting a new term, and navigating the longest month of the school year. The goal is to increase our feeling of community and have a lot of fun!
Middle School Student Government plans the week of special days and leads the way in promoting positive school spirit throughout the school. Including everyone – students, teachers, and staff – reminds us that we are all in this together!