First graders at WSD are “traveling” the globe to learn about how students from other…
Lower School students welcomed three new administrators for one amazing day in January, when Annabel, Mckenna, and Olivia served as Principals For A Day. The opportunity was an auction item at WSD’s fall fundraiser and was won by the three students, who are also best friends. With guidance from “former” Principal Elizabeth Phillips, they greeted students at arrival, gave morning announcements over the PA, delivered donuts, visited classes, caught up on email, created a school rule, declared a Friday Pajama & Crazy Hair Day, enjoyed a pizza power lunch (followed by a power nap), and made it a delightful day for students.
“Overall, I think they had a fun, fantastic day,” reports Principal Phillips. “Classes were welcoming and everyone accepted the girls as their fearless leaders for the day (the donuts helped).” According to our future administrators, “Being a principal is fun and it was fun giving a kid detention [Annabel], passing out donuts [Mckenna], and seeing the smile on teachers faces [Olivia].” The hardest part of the day? “Walking everywhere, pushing the donut cart, and basically nothing else was hard.” In fact, our Principals For A Day gave the whole experience three thumbs up:
People thanked us a lot for being good principals and we want to do it again tomorrow and every day.