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An Affair to Remember

An Affair to Remember

In Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” the event at which Romeo first sees Juliet and falls in love is the famous Capulet ball. As part of their study of the play, seventh grade English students recreated the ball – designing their…

Night on the Nile

Night on the Nile

WSD’s annual benefit dinner and auction was held on Saturday, November 12 at the St. Regis Deer Valley. This year’s theme was “Night on the Nile” and celebrated the mysteries of Ancient Egypt, including the 100th anniversary of the discovery…

Bringing Science to Life

Bringing Science to Life

Middle School life science students have gained an appreciation for the complex and fragile systems that make up our world. By creating their own ecosystems in a jar, students have been able to observe the way in which living organisms…

Blues in a Box

Blues in a Box

Recently, WSD Middle School students immersed themselves in two uniquely American art forms. Thanks to outreach from the Utah Blues Society, students participated in a Cigar Box Guitar workshop that also celebrated the importance of blues music in American history…

From Seed to Seed

From Seed to Seed

First graders are learning that the best way to learn science is to dig right in! Earlier this fall, they planted field mustard, or brassica rapa, whose seeds germinate within a few days and whose plants will actually re-seed at…

A-MAZE-ing Teamwork!

A-MAZE-ing Teamwork!

As a reward for reaching class goals, fourth grade students participated in an “a-MAZE-ing” team building activity. Students were divided into three teams – red, green, and blue – and each team was given a 6’ x 6’ grid made…

Making Memories in Moby

Making Memories in Moby

The Middle School Mobile Classroom, a 10-passenger van nicknamed “Moby,” is living up to its name. Moby has been transporting students far and wide, providing opportunities to explore new territory, learn new skills, and make new friends. On an excursion…

Discovery Days

Discovery Days

On September 22 and 23, the WSD Middle School held its annual Discovery Days – two days where students spend time off campus participating in a variety of hands-on, real-world experiences in the wider community. Sixth grade students attended the…

Spring Arts Festival 2022

Spring Arts Festival 2022

The 12th annual Spring Arts Festival returned to “live and in person” on May 26 after two years as an online fundraiser. WSD was excited to welcome families and friends to its biggest on-campus event and one that raises important…