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So You Think You Can Dance!

So You Think You Can Dance!

Members of the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company spent two weeks on campus teaching Middle School students the finer points of modern dance, choreography, movement, and improvisation. In smaller grade level workshops, dancers Alex and Brad worked with students on specific dance…

Engaging Education: Project-Based Learning

Engaging Education: Project-Based Learning

One way to powerfully activate a student’s engagement is through project-based learning. Students in all grades at WSD participate in regular curricular and cross-curricular projects as a meaningful way to gain and apply deeper knowledge. The goal of project-based learning…

Enriching Education: Going Beyond the Core

Enriching Education: Going Beyond the Core

One of the things that makes Weilenmann School of Discovery unique in public education is the integration of specialty courses into the core curriculum. For Lower School, this means that Art, Music, PE, Outdoor and Science are not occasional experiences,…