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Clean and Green: Sustainability at WSD

Clean and Green: Sustainability at WSD

Weilenmann School of Discovery is proud to be the first school in Park City to be recognized for sustainable practices and initiatives. This year the Utah Society for Environmental Education (USEE) registered WSD as a Utah Green School, and Recycle…

Up Close and Personal: Differentiated Learning

Up Close and Personal: Differentiated Learning

Whenever great teaching and learning occurs in the classroom, two conditions are present. First, students are active participants in their own learning. Their experience supports social interaction, and the process they are engaged in is meaningful to them, allowing them…


2018-19 School Theme

“Learning Never Exhausts the Mind.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was a genius, but not a typical genius. As opposed to the single, focused achievement of a typical “genius,” da Vinci displayed exceptional creativity, intellect, originality, and achievement…

The Wapiti Way:  Character Education at WSD

The Wapiti Way: Character Education at WSD

Cultural commentators agree that we live in an individualistic age — one where the notion of “community” is going by the wayside, even in schools. “You’d think that schools would naturally nurture deep community bonds,” laments New York Times columnist…

Going Green at WSD

Going Green at WSD

Weilenmann School of Discovery has achieved another milestone. The Utah Society for Environmental Education (USEE) has registered WSD as a Utah Green School, and Recycle Utah has certified WSD as a Utah Green Business. We are proud to be the…

Mindfulness at WSD

Mindfulness at WSD

Weilenmann School of Discovery is pleased to be among the Park City schools piloting a Mindfulness program for teachers and students, using the Mindful Schools curriculum. A small group of WSD teachers, representing all grade levels, are learning simple, effective…

What’s New for 2017-18?

What’s New for 2017-18?

The 2017-18 school year will roll out a new school-wide character education program called “The Wapiti Way.” Among the various components we are putting in place to support this new initiative is a digital program from Wonder Media that allows…

Start Now to Improve the World!

Start Now to Improve the World!

Anne Frank’s diary is one of the most influential and well-known of the modern world. Anne gave the world a personal experience of the Holocaust that was made more powerful and poignant by her delicate age, the circumstances under which…

Best Governed Charter School!

Best Governed Charter School!

The Utah Charter Network has selected the Weilenmann School of Discovery Board of Directors to receive its 2017 Governing Board of the Year award. The award was presented to the WSD Board at a recognition dinner held at Utah Valley…