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We are pleased to announce that WSD was awarded the Utah State Charter School Board’s (SCSB) Innovation Grant. The SCSB’s “Innovation Grants” aim to foster innovation and creativity within Utah’s charter schools. Recognizing the unique position of charter schools in pioneering educational reforms and approaches, these grants support innovation by providing financial assistance to charters, empowering them to implement innovative projects that can serve as models for educational excellence statewide.

WSD was awarded the maximum amount of $50,000. The full grant amount will be used over the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years in partnership with Challenge Success, a non-profit affiliated with the Stanford University Graduate School of Education.

“WSD is the first school in Utah to partner with Challenge Success,” explains Educational Technology Director, Peter Leeman. “We are thrilled about this partnership, which will focus on some important – and exciting – grant objectives.”

Those objectives will include:

  • Enhancing Educational Practices and Models
  • Promoting Student Engagement and Success
  • Supporting Professional Development
  • Supporting School Choice
  • Fostering Parental Involvement
  • Inspiring Replicable Models of Innovation

More details about the Challenge Success School Partnership Program can be found here:

We look forward to providing more information regarding this exceptional opportunity in the coming months.