WSD enjoyed five fun-filled days of Teacher Appreciation events this spring! During the week of…
By Natalie Morgan, WSD Theme Committee Chair
As we were searching for a theme for the 2020-21 school year, the world was still in the grip of COVID-19 and issues of equality and social justice were resurfacing across our country. After examining a number of worthy quotes and their authors, a line from a speech Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave at Oberlin College in 1964 struck us as a fitting theme for this school year. Historically, during times of unrest, a few select leaders have emerged to bring reason and perspective to chaotic times. King was such a leader. Through his voice, ideals of justice and peace felt possible. He had courage, strength, and resolve, and advocated nonviolent means in dealing with conflict. At the time of this speech, King was preoccupied with the upcoming election and with riots that were occurring in at least six American cities. His heart was also troubled by the murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi. With these and other issues pressing on his mind, King told his audience of college students, “The time is always right to do what’s right.”
As we embark on another school year, we take King’s universally applicable words to heart. Each school year brings unexpected challenges, and this year will have some unique ones. Each school year also brings unexpected successes, and we look forward to celebrating each of them. There are always things we would love to change about our world. We can start by treating everyone with “respect, courtesy, kindness, and in a way that acknowledges the dignity of each person” (WSD Honor Code). We can take a deep breath during times of stress and anxiety and consider our actions. We can remember that in every situation we are faced with, “the time is always right to do what’s right.”
WSD wishes to thank Robert Neubecker, local artist and illustrator, for creating the artwork that accompanies this year’s theme.